Julie Fox

 Hi Tommy,

I caught some more flies for you. When are you coming back to my school?


age 5




 Dear Tommy,

I am glad you came to my school. We loved listening to the story and watching the magic! We love reading. I hope you are not hungry! Come back soon.




Sugar Cube Trick

Thanks so much to Susan for sending this in!!


The magician asks for a volunteer from the audience. 

The volunteer picks a number between 1 and 10. 

The magician writes the number on a sugar cube. 

The magician drops the cube into a cup of water and holds the volunteer's hand over the water.

He/she turns the volunteer's hand over and Poof! the number is on the volunteer's hand.


~a pencil (must be a pencil, pen will NOT work)
~a sugar cube (you can have several for effect)
~a glass of water

Looking for more Mystery Fun?

Be sure to check out this cool site:




National Geographic For Kids

Here is another fun site to check out!:



Do you like to write?

Want to submit your work into a magazine?

Check out Stone Soup


will publish work of children up to 13 years old



What if you found Ping in your backyard?

What would you do?

How do you think he go there?

Who would you tell?

How would your life change?

Write a story about Ping...................






Looking for more Mystery Fun?

Be sure to check out this cool site:


 Do some research on monkeys

Where do they live?

What do they eat?

Create a poster of all the information you find!

Get creative!



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